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Tabletop Ready: My Amateur's Gallery (Rebels)

Hey, so in case you missed them, you can check out my Mercenary gallery where I also explain a bit about this project.

Also, you can see my Imperial gallery, if you're more into the Dark Side!


Rebel Troopers

Light blue shirts, dark blue vests, grey pants, white helmet... pretty standard stuff.  The hardest part for me to paint was probably the light blue shirt's collar coming out over the vest.

Rebel Saboteurs

I recently repainted these, as the duros' skin was originally much darker of a blue.  So much so, in fact, that you couldn't even really tell they were wearing visors, or that they had blue sleeves.

I like this shade much better.

Wookie Warriors

As I do with all wookies, I painted these with a dark base coat, and slowly drybrushed over it with lighter browns.  They also have a metal shoulderpad- otherwise, these are pretty simple.  I could probably detail the mouth a little more.

Alliance Smuggler

I liked painting this guy because I only had to do one of them and didn't have to worry about uniformity.  He's also a generic, non-canon character, so I felt comfortable having a bit of creative freedom with him.  I like a lot of the details on him, particularly the zipper on his vest and his belt buckle... wait, am I just distracted by shiny things?

Alliance Rangers

I was a little worried that these guys would come out looking too similar to Fenn, who you'll see a little later down the list.  Ultimately, I think they turned out alright.  Lots of green and tan do the job here.

Luke Skywalker

Wow!  Honestly, I'm embarrassed to even show this, it looks awful!  To be fair, it looks a lot better as a "Tabletop Ready" figure, but at this angle it looks like hot garbage.

I've never really even noticed how bad it was, but I think I had originally applied a pretty heavy blackwash.  Luke's face was almost entirely black, so I painted over it, but I guess I didn't get quite the entirety of his face, giving him that weird section of neck there.  Or maybe that's actually his shirt.

Either way, not my finest work.  And that's okay!  Like I've said, the purpose of this is to show that you don't have to be a professional to paint your minis, and sometimes that means you'll royally screw up.  But if having this Luke figure look so bad (also, totally fixable) is the price I pay for having the rest of my figures looking awesome, then I'd gladly pay it.

Han Solo

Whew, this one's a little better.  Han's very open stance makes him very easy to paint.  Could we get all of our stormtroopers to post like this from now on, please?

I love the iconic Solo color scheme here.


Drybrushed on the fur, and painted the bandolier and bowcaster.  Not a whole lot else to do here.  I did apply a heavier wash near his face to bring out the features there a bit.

R2-D2 and C-3P0

So I know I need to redo Artoo's dome in silver, not sure how I originally missed that.  I also recently realized that I needed to repaint Threepio's leg, since I had both golden, so I painted his right as silver.  Other than that, I like these little droids.  Artoo can be tough, but ht looks great on the table.  The little bronze couplings on his back feet really add some nice flair to him.

Leia Organa

I really wish Leia had gotten a better sculpt than this, but here we go.  I like how the wash settled in to the creases on the jacket.  Overall, she's just a lot of tans and whites, given it's her Echo Base getup.

Lando Calrissian

I love the gold on Lando's cape.

I had a ton of difficulty with his mustache.  For some reason, it just never came out right.  I think what I have here is still maybe a bit wider than BDW's character' but I was done focusing on painting facial hair.

Obi Wan Kenobi

I like how Obi Wan't hair and robes turned out.  For the robes, I'd suggest starting with the outer robe and working in, alternating between a light a dark brown.  There can be a lot of layers, so just not that.

Jedi Luke

Not very complicated to paint, but from this angle it appears he's suffering from the same blackwash problem as farmboy Luke.  That's a lesson- be very, very careful with your washes.

Hera Syndulla and C1-10P

Hera is one of my favorite characters in the new canon, and I was glad when she was brought to IA.  She's not too difficult- a few straps here and there, some goggles to paint, and a slightly more detailed gun.  Her lekkus (head tentacle things) had some patterns that were hard to paint.  I definitely didn't copy them perfectly, but instead took a toothpick and made my own designs.

Chopper was a blast to paint.  All sorts of colors that don't really belong together on a tiny little model.  I went with his old teal leg, because I think it makes him look even weirder.  Pretty happy with both of these.

Ahsoka Tano

Obviously my Ahsoka isn't perfect, but she's so much better than I had hoped!  I was really worried about her Torguta tattoo things and facial markings, but they turned out to not be overly difficult.  In fact, the hardest thing for me with her was lightsaber color.  See, I usually pick a neon color for lightsabers and then drybrush just a bit of white, but that clearly wasn't going to work here.  I tried mixing white and silver, but that just made it look like she was dualwielding light silver batons.  Instead, I ended up painting them white, and brushing some streaks of silver onto them, to give it a bit of a gleam.

Gideon Argus

As I'm sure I'll be repeating soon, the Rebel heroes feature a lot of different tans and browns on their clothes.  Gideon went with this look, for sure, but I do like the orange shirt under his jacket.  Also, I love how his beard and eyebrows turned out.

Mak Eshka-Rey

Mak's jumpsuit is pretty easy to paint, and he only has a few straps.  The most difficult detail on him may be his eyepiece.

Fenn Signis

Fenn looks like your typical Alliance Ranger, but one big difference is the shawl type thing around his neck.  I went with a grey here, but a blue might better identify him from the grunts.

Diala Passil

I was pretty intimidated to paint Diala.  Her little Twi'lek skin pattern things seemed frankly out of my league.  Going with a simple ring design, though, I was able to add a good amount of detail with relatively little effot.

Not sure why I made her pink, when she's clearly purple.  Very confused about that, still.  But hey, she's not canon, it doesn't matter.  I could've made her green and called her Oola.

Jyn Odan

Much like with Palpatine's face/hood situation, I had trouble getting the seperation between Jyn's face and her hair at parts.  I've got it now, and I'm happy.  She's got a lot of straps, and some awesome looking armor.  Her sculpt doesn't look like much unpainted, but I think some color really adds to it.


Are you tired of me describing painting wookies yet?  Because it's pretty much the same process.  Don't blame me for the fact that the wookies are all naked.

Saska Teft

I was certain that I'd painted the screen of Saska's device with a neon blue... apparently not?
Anyway, I love her orange goggles, red hair, and layered clothes.

Biv Bodhrik

I really like this model.  The mix or Rebel and Imperial clothing, the shiny red underrail of the gun, the shoulderpad, which has an attempt at a Rebel symbol painted on it...

I think Biv is one of the more interesting units I've painted.

Verena Talos

Overall, I like Verena's model, though it looks like she's got a bit of the same blackwash issue Luke had.  I'd say my favorite part of her model is how her hair looks in the back- you know, not in a creepy way.


Really, there's just not a lot to do with this guy.  You could maybe make the joints darker, but it's not necessary.

Loku Kanoloa

Getting the right skin for a Mon Calamari is no simple task.  Protip: it's not just orange.  Try some orange and brown, for a start.

The eyes were easy, too.  I did all black, though yellow with black pupils is probably pretty doable, too.

Murne Rin

Murne and Loku have pretty similar skin tones.  Also, I love how her dress turned out.  Several blue layers above a final purple later, all laced in gold.  It took a while, and it's certainly not perfect, but Murne is often the first hero my players are interested in, if not only aesthetically.

Davith Elso

Lots of blacks and blues.  I like how Davith's gloves extend a bit on the back of his hand.

Onar Kona

Onar stands out.  He's a hulk compared to the other miniatures, and his orange garb is definitely attention-grabbing.  I love the aqualish, and painting them was very fun.  His skin tone was tough to nail down, and the yellow/black traffic sign thing on his back was also a challenge.  For the alternating colors, I really just went by hand.  Again, something that may not hold up at this close of an angle, but looks great on the tabletop.

Shyla Verad

Getting to paint traditional Mandalorian armor is the biggest draw to Shyla.  Her cape is a close second.  From what I recall, I went with the dark blue underlay first, then painted the silver armor above it.  If you wanted, I guess you could paint the Darksaber on her weapon, but I just gave her a standard vibroblade.

Vinto Hreeda

Vinto has the classic tan and brown Rebel color scheme, but he's still got some interesting stuff going on.  Lots of straps, some armor, and some snazzy blue pants help make sure that he's still unique looking.

He's another one where I had difficulty getting the right green for his skin.  If I recall correctly, I mixed dark green with just a little bit of brown and black, to get the darker shade I wanted- though, if you're going for Vinto's appearance on his card, he's actually a pretty light shade of green.

Jarrod Kelvin

Like Jyn, Jarrod is a character with a lot of orange and white.  I started with his orange shirt thing and the orange on his blades, then the tan base of his khakis.  Filling in the straps, the silver of the blades, and ultimately the white on his pads, and I think he turned out pretty well!

Ko-Tun Feralo

Ko-Tun isn't a particularly interesting model, but there are a couple neat touches.  First, I think it's interesting how her arms are bare, but she's wearing gloves, gives the model a bit of contrast compared to other figures.  Also, unfortunately we can't see it well in this pic, but under her green vest she's wearing a grey shirt that's come untucked.  It's a neat bit of contrast and layering.


I did Drokkatta the same way I did all the other wookies, but for some reason she came out differently.  Less layered looking.  I need to work on that, still.

I do like the level of detail I put in on the stuff, though.  Her silver lined glasses with black lenses, the thermal detonators, the black mouth with white teeth- I like what I've done here a lot more than the other wookie models, if not simply because there was actually some interesting stuff to work with.

Once I get her fur figured out, I'll be pretty happy.

Anyway, that's all my rebels!  If you haven't seen them yet, you can see similar galleries for my Mercenary and Imperial figures, too!

May the Force be with you!

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- Thomas


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