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Stolen Plans!: Death Troopers

So, a few weeks ago the FFG Worlds prizes announcement article had some curious images for Imperial Assault fans... namely, references to Thrawn, Death Troopers, and what appears to be a veteran Clone Trooper.

Since no new content has been revealed in nearly a year, fans of the game quickly began to speculate that this could be indicative of an upcoming release- perhaps delayed due to either Legion's release, or the IA app itself.

Rumors have been flying left and right- someone knows a friend who has been playtesting "shiny" new components, someone interviewed an artist who suggested an upcoming wave was cancelled, someone's uncle works at Nintendo...

For now, though, all was can know for sure is that FFG has released these images.  Additionally, as far as I can tell, art for this game that has been released as prizes has never prominently features components that weren't already in the game.

So, if you don't mind putting your tinfoil hats on, let's speculate on what we might see in a wave containing these units, this week with a focus on the Empire's Death Troopers.

Death Troopers are an attractive mini for Imperial Assault players- they're tall and would have good board presence, but best of all wouldn't require that cursed white color for those wanting to paint. 

But what could Death Troopers do?  What would separate them from the myriad of other trooper groups the Empire already has access to?

The biggest challenge with designing a Death Trooper may well be trying to differentiate it from the existing heavy trooper variant, the aptly named Heavy Trooper.

Unfortunately, the custom card editor that I'm using (as awesome and robust as it seems) doesn't entirely work on my ancient Windows 7 machine, so I haven't been able to input the abilities on the card, but I think a rough outline of the unit might look something like this:

A little more expensive than the traditional Heavy, a little faster, and hits a little harder.  In addition, I gave it the same amount of health as a regular Heavy (because giving a non-elite trooper more than 6 health seems absurd to me) but added in a white defense die.

Now, these numbers can be fudged, since rather than playtesting this right now I'm more or less just trying to get a ballpark estimate of how a Death Trooper could be unique- it may need to cost more threat, for instance, or maybe have an ability that negates a total dodge on the added white die.

As for abilities, the true meat of what marks the unique qualities of a figure- I'd like to see the following surge abilities:

-Surge for Pierce 1
- Surge for +1 Damage
- Surge for Focus

Also, I could imagine seeing stuff like the following for abilities:

Encrypted Chatter- When you go to activate this group, you may pass turn.  Death Troopers then activate the next time turn is passed to you.

I think this could be an interesting way to play with the idea of the strange chatter the Death Troopers are capable of, showing off how it could give them a tactical advantage in combat.

Grenade- As an action, you may choose a space within 3 spaces and line of sight.  Roll one Green Die. Each figure on or adjacent to that space suffers (damage) for each (damage symbol) rolled, and (strain) for each (surge symbol) rolled.

Obviously they used a lot of grenades in Rogue One, and this would be a way that could differentiate their multi-target damage from the Heavies Blast.

Anyway, stick around next week for my thoughts on other units we could see in this wave (assuming nothing is already announced by then!)

May the Force be with you!

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- Thomas


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